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FLCC Wins Bonspiel Event

We have some very exciting news to announce.  An FLCC team competed at the “Spooky Spiel “Bonspiel in Utica Oct. 30/31/21 and won the D event!  This is the first all FLCC team (all of whom started curling in Ithaca) to win at a Bonspiel!  What a huge accomplishment!!   

Congregations to Jeff Tonole, Sarah Mogil, Travis Stearns, and Michelle Mogil!!

The following account provided by Jeff Tonole – 

This past weekend, an FLCC team (myself, Sarah and Michelle Mogil, and

Travis Stearns) played in the USWCA East Region 5-and-under bonspiel at

the Utica Curling Club. After a loss to an Albany team in our first

game, then a win over Rail City (from southwestern PA), and a loss to

Jersey Pinelands, we found ourselves in the D bracket final against a

team from Detroit on Sunday.

The final was a closely contested game — it was 3-3 after four ends and

5-5 after seven. We had hammer in the eighth and took advantage to score

our one point to win the game, and the event. It was (we believe) the

first time that an FLCC team has won an event final at any bonspiel.

In addition to the win, we all had a great time seeing old curling

friends and making new ones. I highly encourage you all to get out there

this season and play in some bonspiels. On-ice success is a bonus; it’s

the opportunities to play at a dedicated facility, learn from other

teams, and have fun socializing with a community of curlers that make

bonspiels so much fun.

For those interested in participating in Bonspiels we will send out more information in the coming weeks.

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