Find a Learn to Curl!
The FLCC Learn to Curls will be regularly posted. Register here.
Bringing a Dedicated Ice Curling Facility to the Finger Lakes Region!
The Finger Lakes Curling Club’s Dedicated Ice Committee is working to bring the first dedicated ice curling facility to our region. In late August the club applied to the Tompkins County Tourism Department for a planning grant to assess several different sites as our new home in Tompkins County. We received a small award to pursue this work in October and are excited about this opportunity.

We expect the feasibility project to be completed by early summer so that we can make recommendations to the board and club membership to move into the design and construction phase of the project. As we look forward, we are also looking towards fundraising for this audacious goal. Donate here, and donate often, as we work together to build our own curling facility.
Contact DICommittee@fingerlakescurling.org to get involved!
What is Curling?
Curling is a sport in which players slide stones across a sheet of ice towards a target area which is segmented into four rings. Two teams, each of four players, take turns sliding heavy, polished granite stones across the ice towards the house … More What is Curling
Learn to Curl
Our Winter 2023/24 Learn to Curl have been posted. More information here We will also be offering an advanced LTC for those that have participated in a Learn to Curl or for those looking to get back into curling. Future LTC’s will be Fall 2024. All sessions are held at the Community Recreation Center – The Rink
Join the FLCC
We curl Saturday evenings and Thursday afternoons at the Community Recreation Center. Our season runs from runs from October through April and we are currently accepting members for the second half of the season beginning early-February. … More
We're gearing up for the 2022-23 curling season at the Finger Lakes Curling Club! Here's…
Check out the article from the Ithaca Times https://www.ithaca.com/news/ithaca/finger-lakes-curling-club-is-about-fun-friendship/article_de0ade48-87de-11ec-af67-dfaf57ca2bb9.html
Curlers with five years or less of curling experience have even more to look forward…
We all remember USA's Gold medal in curling at the 2018 Olympics. The journey to…
We have some very exciting news to announce. An FLCC team competed at the "Spooky…
Day Curling - We now offer curling Tuesdays from 12:00 - 2:00 PM. Day curling consists…
The FLCC will be hosting a spring league in May and June! 9-Week LeagueOnly 1…
We have exciting news. Curling is back! After a very challenging year for everyone the…